SPRINGFIELD Republican U.S. Senate candidate Richard S.Williamson on Monday assailed Democratic opponent Carol MoseleyBraun, who as an Illinois legislator voted to abolish the state'sdeath penalty.
Seeking to set himself apart from his liberal Democratic rival,Williamson contended Braun is "out of step" with Illinois voters oncapital punishment.
"Simply put, she is wrong on this issue," he said. "The mostviolent criminal acts should be prosecuted with the toughest meansavailable."
The Kenilworth lawyer said he supports a "comprehensive federaldeath penalty law" that would strengthen federal statutes and speedup the appeals process.
At a news conference, Williamson pointed out that Braun twicesponsored legislation to abolish the death penalty in Illinois duringher 12-year tenure as a state representative.
Braun could not be reached for comment.
At another news conference today, Williams is expected to nameH. Clark, chairman and CEO of Nalco Chemical, as his financialchairman, and banker John Rau and lawyer Robert A. Helman asfinancial co-chairmen.
Helman, a partner at the Mayer, Brown and Platt law firm, is aconsultant for the commission formed by Mayor Daley to study a $2billion casino gambling proposal.
Williamson acknowledged the need to play catch-up in hiscampaign against Braun, who was catapulted into the nationalspotlight after defeating Sen. Alan J. Dixon in the March 17Democratic primary. But he was confident that he had ample timebefore the November general election to get his message out.
"In my opinion, many of those Democrats who have supported AlanDixon are going to feel more comfortable with my stand on the issuesthan they will with a more extreme liberal, like my opponent," hesaid.
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